24 Hour Hotline



Bright Dental Laboratory is a global service provider. We use Toll overnight priority to ensure your work is collected and delivered without hassle and on the quickest service possible.

Turnaround Time

Europe <一> Hongkong
Turnaround time(7-8 days)
Monday: Sent out from Europe
Wednesday: Received in HK
Saturdav: Returned from HK
Next Monday: Received in Europe

USA <一> Hongkong
Turnaround time(8-9 days)
Monday:Sent outfrom USA
Thursday: Received in HK
Next Monday:Returned from Hk
Next Tuesday: Received in USA


Please use a scanner scans the data and sends the file to us, which saves time and postage.
Please find your suitable partner below, you can easily send us the case. Or Please use your preferred method to contact us, we can help you with everything.


Bright Dental Laboratory is available to take your phone call or respond to your email regarding any technical matter. With over 20 years of technical knowledge, continuous upskilling, and education we are here to help.

Please give the laboratory a call so you can talk directly with one of our friendly technicians

Call us at +86-136-1309-6118
or Email [email protected]