مصففات شفافة - مختبر برايت لطب الأسنان


1.CBCT  ( Non-mandatory)

DICOM file format only. Output and save your CBCT in dicom (.dcm) before upload.

2.Cephalometric x-ray  ( Non-mandatory)

DICOM file OR PHOTO format can be used.

3.Panoramic X-ray  ( Mandatory)

DICOM file OR PHOTO format can be used.

4.Intra-oral Scans (IOS) or digital models of upper and lower jaw are mandatory.

Please make sure the upper and lower are in correct occlusion.

5.Extra-Oral Photos

Extra-oral pictures are mandatory

6.Intra-Oral Photos 

Intra-oral pictures are mandatory.


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او بريد الكتروني [email protected]